Zero-Point Astrology: The Science of Freedom

Moving beyond planetary influence

Let’s explore further the whole idea of “non-dual” astrology, specifically with the purpose of using astrology to move beyond planetary influence. Perhaps many will say this is not possible, but it is certainly worth considering, especially in these days where everything is up for review.

I hesitate to use this term “non-dual”, because it contains a negation, which is not recognised by the being. If you say “non-dual” to the being, it registers “dual”. But since all words fall short, by their very nature, we have to do our best using language to point towards the unspeakable.

However, i do feel it is an important distinction, as we can get stuck, even in “non-duality”, where there is still a subtle pushing away of duality, which just reinforces duality ever so subtly.

Perhaps the term “zero-point astrology” would suffice. Let’s try that one on for size. And let’s imagine the very center of the astrological mandala as the zero-point, or the portal to infinity.  And the idea is, that when we occupy that point, which is really our very center, then the entire astrological configuration resolves itself into a coherent, but unique, whole.

What sparked this inquiry originally for me was noticing that all of the buddhas, or enlightened beings, that i have come across in my life still exhibit the qualities of their astrological birth chart, while at the same time being free of the influences in a karmic way. So enlightenment doesn’t involve the erasing of individuality at all. On the contrary, it is when true individuality emerges. Ego is cheap imitation individuality. It occurred to me that astrology from the “perspective” of oneness still has validity, but in a very different way, and the birth chart is a symbolic representation of our uniqueness.

The science of freedom

After watching the planets daily, for over 40 years now, i have noticed that they work like clockwork. It is amazing to see how precisely the effects come down, even to the minute. In the world of cause and effect, the planets do have a synchronous influence, whether people notice it or not, whether they believe in astrology or not. And it seems to me as well, that those who know the least about it are the most affected. Of course, this is just my observation. I am sure many would swear that the planets have no effect on them whatsoever. But if they have never really studied the science of astrology, then how could they possibly know for sure?

But anyway, the clockwork part is what makes me wonder. Is this some kind of mechanical process going on here, perhaps to keep us locked in time? Is this some kind of repetitive time loop we are stuck in? Apparently so, if we look around us at what is happening these days. Most of what we see playing out in the world is like a bad re-run of Nightmare on Main Street. Or is it Elm Street. Seems like any street has the same nightmare going on.

Also, i notice that those who have no idea that they aren’t free are not bothered by the effects in the same way as those who are waking up to what is going on here. Astrology is the science of freedom. A fenced-in animal that never tries to escape from its pen will not feel, or even notice the fence, like the one who does try to escape.

So we have to be skillful if we want to go beyond the effects of the planets. Basically, we have to go beyond cause and effect altogether. And i believe that astrology can help us in that respect. But also I don’t mean in any way to imply that this will make us immune to the intense transformational energies that are at work these days. But i believe it can help us make the most of them, by bringing ourselves into more positive alignment with the planetary awakening that is going on now.

“The message boldly blazoned across the heavens at the moment of birth was not meant to emphasize fate, the result of past good and evil, but to arouse your will to escape from this universal bondage. What you have done, you can undo. You can overcome whatever effects are now prevalent in your life because you created them by your own actions in the first place, and because you have inner spiritual resources which are not subject to planetary pressure.” Paramhansa Yogananda


Resolving the opposites

One of the first things that strikes me, upon looking at any astrological chart, is that it is made up of 6 pairs of opposites, which, from a dualistic perspective, are seen as pitted against each other, opposing energies.

I have written about the resolution of some of the pairs of opposites already, at the following links:




These oppositions when seen from the place of eternal being, or oneness, are actually continuums, or complementary energies, actually an integral part of each other. As i have said before, you can imagine an infinity symbol overlaid on each pair of opposites, and the energies feeding into each other, informing each other, really inseparable from each other.

And, i have noticed, that the negative qualities of any particular sign only manifest, when the opposite sign is not included and integrated into the equation, in other words, from a place of separation.

Beyond Balance

Many astrologers talk about the need to “balance” opposites, as if there is some kind of tightrope walking that needs to be done, and the slightest move from balance causes the tightrope walker to fall. But this is still coming from the dualistic paradigm. Almost like the idea that staying in the present moment is like walking a tightrope, between the past and the future, when actually, the present moment is eternal and vast, and the art of remaining in eternity is effortless, and, of course, lasts forever.

This includes too, the idea that to stay in the present, we somehow have to stop the mind. And keeping it stopped is akin to walking that tightrope between past and future, of present “time”. No, we are going beyond all that. The mind is simply outshone by the radiant presence, the Sun at the heart, that IS present. No “time” necessary.

Sadness comes, joy comes,
and everything passes by.
What remains always is the witness.
The witness is beyond all polarities.




We could think of the sign Libra, for example, speaking of balancing. Now, Libra is about balance, but notice this: Libra is one end of an opposition! So the balance of Libra is only half the picture. The Aries end of things needs to be there for the energy to be complete. And what is Aries? It is standing alone. And it is very here now. You could think of Aries as the fulcrum of the scales, without which balancing would not be possible. So, if one cannot be oneself (Aries) in the here and now, in the primal innocence of the Fool, with the courage of the Warrior, one cannot fully enter into relationship (Libra), not only with another, but with life itself. Obviously! These are not antagonistic states, they are part and parcel of each other.

Only when one can remain with paradox without having “issues”, can one begin to see the trick involved with the oppositions, and that is, that rather than having oppositions balanced, when one remains in the zero point of oneness, the oppositions simply resolve. It is effortless, and the more one can rest in this effortless resolution solution, which is really dissolution, the less one will be pulled off center by opposing polarities.

For example with Aries/Libra, we have war (Aries) and peace (Libra). How does this opposition resolve? We can’t have both, right? Do we really need to “balance” these energies? What does that mean? Does it mean we’ll have an equal amount of war as of peace, just to be “fair”?? Sounds kind of like democracy!

Peaceful Warrior

Well, let’s consider martial arts, then. The objective of any martial art is to avoid conflict. Conflict is the last resort. But in order to do that, martial artists practice to be ready to defend (Aries) the peace and harmony (Libra). As in the Art (Libra) of War (Aries), we must be embodying our own strength and independence (Aries) in order to truly meet another (Libra). And in the presence of our essential strength, others will see that conflict with us is simply not possible, because we are the peace (Libra) that undoes impulsive reactivity (Aries). So we become a peaceful warrior.

For the mind, this can be a problem, because mind cannot resist going to one side or the other, but to the being, it is natural to contain both sides effortlessly. Essence, eternal Being, has different qualities, including Strength (Aries) and Peace (Libra), which are not in any kind of antagonistic relationship with each other. When one’s essential nature is free and available, then the necessary qualities will arise, depending on what the situation requires in the moment. We can be strong, standing in our center (Aries), and totally at peace (Libra) at the same time. Of course ! It is actually completely obvious.

the Self is love

Or, we could say Libra is love, Aries is self, so both together is self-love. And self-love is the only way to truly be in relationship, as we cannot truly love another if we do not love ourselves, not in any kind of reflexive way, but simply by being Love. The Self IS love.

So we can imagine ourselves at the very center of the wheel, where the energies unify and belong to each other. Like if we sit at the middle of a merry-go-round, there will be no centrifugal force to pull us out towards the circumference. This sitting in the center is, simply, stopping. Just stop.

“Stop moving and there will be no world.” —Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

When we rest as this zero point at the center we see that all that arises is simply light, conscious, without binding force, and that we are actually the Source of the light of the world.

So the key to going beyond astrological influence is simply to remain at the zero point. Easy ! Well, yes, and no. Easy when you know how, as they say, but when you don’t, it is almost impossible. Not because it is difficult, but because it is SO close to home, that we never even notice it. In fact, it cannot be “noticed”, because it is what/who is “doing” the “noticing”.

From camera to projector

When one graduates to zero point living, one’s astrology undergoes a fundamental change. One’s chart then becomes one’s unique pattern, a coherent whole that projects one’s world, much like the film in a movie projector. The key is that the source of light is inside, rather than outside. So our unique pattern informs the creation of the reality we experience. And, because the film in the projector is what is in the mind, we have the power to change the projection that results on the screen.

The dualistic way sees the source of light as outside us, much as in the case of a camera. Then the astrological pattern becomes an imprint upon our freedom, a limitation, and a kind of daily struggle of reconciliation of various energies imposed from the outside, and finding myriad ways to pull us out of center. The ego is more like the camera, with its narrow focus shutter, always at the affect of the light coming from outside, and the pattern of the world is imprinted on the film of the mind. And, if we remember our grade school experiments from making a simple pinhole camera, the image in the camera is always imprinted upside down and backwards. hmmmm.

The Moon

“Everything living on Earth, people, animals, plants, is food for the moon…. All movements, actions, and manifestations of people, animals, and plants depend upon the moon and are controlled by the moon…. The mechanical part of our life depends upon the moon, is subject to the moon. If we develop in ourselves consciousness and will, and subject our mechanical life and all our mechanical manifestations to them, we shall escape the power of the moon.”

– G.I. Gurdjieff


The moon is an important player in astrology for many reasons in the process of changing the fundamental position of power from “outside” to Source. This enigmatic planetary body is worth studying because we can find the key there to “making the switch”, so to speak.

In “traditional” astrology, the moon represents the conditioned body, the conditional states, the moods, the emotional changes that one goes through on a daily basis. The moon rules Cancer, and the opposite sign is Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn. I feel that we have to look carefully at the moon’s relationship with Saturn, to understand how the conditioning is passed down to us, hour by hour, day by day, month by month.

My feeling is that the moon’s true relationship is with the Sun, but that she has been abducted, so to speak, by Saturn, and the dualistic opposition of Capricorn/Cancer. Some say she is an artificial body, introduced to create a distortion in the energy field of the earth, while others, like the Gnostics, (at least in the Gnostic scholar John Lash’s version of Gnosticism) say that the only planets that were really meant to be here were the earth, the moon, and the sun.

We can stay open, without deciding one way or the other whether the moon is a natural body or not, and just observe the influence of the moon in our daily life. Perhaps then we can come to more clarity about its purpose and effect in our lives. Because whether we like it or not, it is there.



“There is a monumental presence of manipulation and control that dwarfs all other forms of parasitic interference that plague this planet, a presence that disturbs and disorganises the Source Intelligence encoded into the light of the Sun, disarranging our symbiosis with it, occluding it’s ability to nurture and advance our evolution. The synthetic satellite is the grand deceiver in the sky. “ Juliet J. Carter, referring to the Moon

Lunacy is a term referring to a kind of mental/emotional imbalance, or illness, and of course, this word is derived from the word “luna” which means moon in Spanish. And a “lunatic” is, well, a crazy person. Lunacy has been romanticised over the centuries, and the inevitability of the moon’s presence has been rationalised in various ways, but rarely do people question the moon’s origins or purpose. Imagine what it would be like without this constant provocation of reactive dualistic emotionality that we are subjected to daily, and monthly, through the influence of the moon!


Saturn and the Moon

I recommend this interview from David Icke, from 2011, in which he discusses what he calls the “Saturn-Moon Matrix”, which corroborates this view as well. This relationship of Saturn with the moon could very well be a system of distortion purposely introduced to keep humanity in a semi-comatose state, and unable to wake up to the magnificence of who we really are, in order to enslave us and use our energy.

As Gurdjieff said, humans are food for the moon. David Icke even speculates that some of the 62 moons of Saturn could be inhabited, and that the rings of Saturn could very well contain some kind of broadcasting apparatus. I know, it sounds far-fetched, but many who laughed at David Icke in the past are now having to admit that he was right, about so many things. Perhaps we should remain open and investigate for ourselves.

If you only have time for one, don’t miss this powerful David Icke presentation about the Saturn Moon Matrix:

The Sounds of Saturn

Saturn is a key figure in the whole equation too, because in astrology, it is Saturn that holds the key to the jail cell, as it were. Saturn is the task master, time, karma and ego. He is Satan. He is enforcing the conditioning of society, and the moon is distributing it.

There is a recording of some very strange sounds emanating from Saturn, that were recorded by a spacecraft called Cassini, which really can make you wonder, just what is being broadcast from there. Check these sounds out for yourself:

and this link is from NASA, describing the intense sounds emanating from Saturn:

It states “Since the frequencies of these emissions are well above the audio frequency range, we have shifted them downward by a factor of 44.” In other words, these sounds are inaudible to the human ear, but nonetheless, this audible version is very grating and uncomfortable. Could these sounds be being broadcast to Earth constantly, in a way that works them into our daily life as a disrupting and disturbing force?

Beyond the frequency fence


So to go beyond the societal conditioning, the frequency fence, if you will, of Saturn, broadcast into the emotional body through the Moon, we need to do the work of de-conditioning our emotional body, which is the water in which we swim (our body is mostly water), and which is pulled around by the moon every month. Notice also that the ocean tides are pulled by the moon every month, and that the ocean water is salty. Salt is crystal, and ruled in astrology by Saturn.

Cause and Effect

Saturn also rules time, which is directly related to cause and effect, since time is required for an effect to follow a cause. Saturn is also karma, which has been promoted by the religions as an inevitable kind of universal law, where those who do evil get their just rewards. But is this “law” actually borne out in the world? What we see, more often than not, is the exact opposite. Those who commit horrendous crimes, ruining the lives of millions, get away scot free, and good honest souls living simple lives get screwed time and time again. I think we need to question this idea of karma, just like we need to question literally everything in our world. Could the “law of karma” be created in order to keep us separated from our true power? The religions tell us: in their next life they will be punished for their evil deeds done in this one. Oh, ok, well guess i’ll never know for sure, but i’ll take your word for it….


Could Saturn actually be the home of the “creator God” that the major religions worship? The Gnostics refer to the Demiurge, who is a kind of synthetic substitute for Divinity, whose purpose is more to enslave humans than to free them. Although exactly how the demiurge works is a bit mysterious, it is apparently a synthetic thought form which depends very much on what is fed into it by the collective thought form of the world.

The real “democratic process”

We could look at the whole process of voting in politics (Saturn) as a dim reflection of this much deeper process. The universe is being created by this collective thought form, the demiurge, to which we are constantly, in every moment, adding our “vote”, by what we choose to focus attention on. To me, THIS is the true “democratic process”, and one of much greater responsibility than just ticking a box on a piece of paper once every four years. More about that here:

and more about the demiurge here:

The religious scriptures, especially those of the Abrahamic religions, are full of stories and commandments of a punishing kind of God, who promotes fear and retribution, “original sin” and punishment, rather than love and forgiveness. Perhaps this “God” is just Saturn, or Satan.

Creation Software

Here’s what I’m wondering: perhaps this demiurge, since it is really synthetic, is like a software program, actually neutral in and of itself. But it is as if this software program has a virus in it. According to what i got out of the article above, the demiurge is like the “world soul”, a kind of transitional bridge between the Infinite Source, and manifest physical 3D “reality”. It perhaps could be something like the “Creation Software” program which creates this virtual reality construct we are in.

So could this be why so many negative and dark rituals are constantly being created by the controllers, to program this software, or rather distort it like a computer virus distorts the operating system? And could we not, with our collective intent, simply overpower that virus? Since the virus itself is synthetic, it has no creative power. It has to usurp ours. And since there is no way we would agree to such a thing if we understood what is happening, it has to obtain our consent through deception. So the first step is simply to say NO.

Moon as amplifier

When you watch the positions of the planets for a long time, especially in relation to your planets, of your natal chart, you begin to understand how the moon amplifies the energies of all the other planets in the hours when she contacts them, and more often than not, this amplification can have a distorted quality, reinforcing the duality based expression of the signs, and thus bringing out their more negative aspects. The moon seems to reinforce reactive negative emotional states, especially in those humans who never work with themselves.

But whether the effects are “positive” or “negative”, they are always transitory, subject to change, so even the “happy” states are not based in the true ecstatic and eternal nature of Consciousness Itself.

The moon’s cycle is much like the blip on a radar screen, which rotates around, and lights up the objects that are there as it passes over them. Most people are familiar with the energy of a full moon, for example. Full moons can get pretty crazy. Well, ALL the phases of the moon have their own unique qualities, which we can learn to feel by observing them on a regular basis, and noticing how we feel. And when we clear our emotional reactivity, i feel we can begin to receive the light of the Sun, the portal to the realm of Divine Sunlight, and the moon will help us to bring that into our life in an empathetic and nurturing way.

And how the effects of the moon’s transiting of the other planets affects you, depends entirely on how clear your emotional body is from the conditioning of Saturn. As this process proceeds, perhaps the moon changes into more of an ally, as the one who brings the light of the Sun, or enlightenment, to you in a way you can assimilate, and a way that can free you.

And yes, there are many therapies that help in the purification of the emotional body. But at a certain point the Primal Sunlight takes over the job and one just needs to allow it. Not that it is not still very challenging and difficult at times, as any kind of cleansing can be, but it will happen on its own, in its own timing, and we will be able to see the timing of it borne out in astrological cycles.

Moon and Sun


It could be that the moon’s true relationship is with the Sun, at least that is my feeling. Her relationship with Saturn is what furthers the entire domestication process, which takes away our freedom in order to make us fit into the farm, much like cattle. Saturn is the farmer, and the Moon, which rules the public, is the cattle. Their relationship is almost like an arranged marriage, brought together by the society, the parents, and enforced upon the bride against her will. This is the kind of marriage that is more concerned with property, family bloodlines, inheritances, and social standing, than with love.

Notice this connection too, that Saturn has a 28 year cycle, and the Moon has a 28 day cycle. Coincidence?

But when the Moon is with the Sun, he is the King and she is the Queen, as in the true, alchemical marriage. He is Gold, she is Silver. The metal of Saturn is lead. The alchemical process is all about transforming lead (ego, Saturn) into Gold (the Sun, eternal Radiant Conscious Light). It is the recognition of the Divine in each other.

Let’s also notice, that Uranus rules the sign opposite the Sun’s sign of Leo. Uranus rules Aquarius, and thus those energies of the Leo/Aquarius polarity are inextricably connected. Awakening (Uranus) to the Conscious Light (Sun) is the Philosopher’s Stone, the result of the alchemical marriage of Sun and Moon.


Remembering the Now

So how to break the spell of Saturn? Once again, the solution is always the same, to come to the center point, the zero point, where all oppositions resolve. And that is always only possible in the NOW. So the Cancer/Capricorn polarity resolves into the the primordial (Moon) memory (Saturn) of who we are, HERE NOW. Both Cancer and Capricorn have to do with this kind of memory. It is the practice (Saturn) of remembering (Saturn) to be present, to be here. This kind of memory has nothing to do with the past. In fact, it is a waking up from the dream of the past, much like when we remember in a dream that we are dreaming, and wake up within the dream, into a lucid dream.

This frees the moon into the present, and then, much like when the father (Saturn) who gives away his daughter with his blessing to her beloved, she is free to reflect the light of the Sun with no distortion.

So perhaps we have more say than we think we do, in how the planets work, both for us personally, but also for the world at large. Because the more of us who participate in this process, the more the planets will change from having a binding force, to having a liberating force.

But we must come to grips with this Saturn character. And basically that means saying, as Jesus said to Satan, “get thee behind me! “. In other words, no thank you, not interested, I am not willing to sign your “contract”.



Notice that Uranus, the planet of freedom, is outside the orbit of Saturn. That means that freedom is beyond the world of Saturn, time, society, rules, hierarchies, governments, and ego. And, both astrology and science are ruled by Uranus. Astrology is the science of freedom.

So if we want to be free, in the radical (Uranus) sense, which means to the ROOT (radix means root in Latin), we have to leave Saturn behind us. We must go outside the “law”, (not natural law, but rather the “legal” system of society), and indeed be an “outlaw”. Not a criminal, but simply withdraw our consent to participate at that level, and, as much as we can, move beyond, and stop “contracting” with Saturn (Satan), which is nothing but limitation. I have written about the “nuts and bolts” of how that contraction process happens here:

But Saturn will test us in the process, until we have the integrity (Saturn) to stand firm in the face of his shenanigans. In short, just like in any school (Saturn), at some point we need to graduate. The time comes when we must simply turn our back on Saturn, and his world, and walk away.


Our memory of the crystalline structures (Saturn) of our extra-dimensional vehicle in the true Matrix (Moon) of Creation is what will allow us to pass through the city walls of the “Patrix” to the outside. Much like the mythological situations where the hero must solve a riddle, before passing through the gates, we must be able to embody the paradox of the resolution of opposites, as all riddles involve a paradoxical component.

But this freedom also means leaving behind the security (Cancer) of society, family, and the state (Saturn). In this video, Alan Watts describes how true renunciates, or monks, have to renounce all dependency upon the state.

This requires both a tremendous amount of courage, and of faith, as one then surrenders into trusting the optimising force of the whole, and one’s absolutely necessary place in it, rather than trusting the artificial structures of government and society, which always demand your freedom in return for the illusion of security that they offer.

The Three Crosses


There is a lot more that can be said about this Cancer/Capricorn polarity, but we must turn our attention to other polarities as well. And then after that we must deal with the crosses, or signs that are at 90 degrees to any particular opposition. This is a further stage of resolution, even more challenging to integrate.

We will see that there are 3 crosses, the cardinal, the fixed, and the mutable, and that when we can hold an entire cross by resting at source, then our ability to effect change in this world takes on new meaning, and becomes much more dynamic. The stillness of zero point contains all potential, and the crosses activate this potential, turn it into action, and tangible results.

A brief example would be: with the Aries Libra polarity, the cross is the Cancer Capricorn polarity. We could think of this as stability, like the four legs of a table. So this primal memory of who we are (Cancer Capricorn) that we have just discussed, will inform the polarity of Aries Libra, that art of the peaceful warrior, in a way that will increase our effectiveness exponentially. The crosses have a transformational, evolutionary energy, which becomes a capacity to effect change in the world, as one integrates.

And when this cross is not resolved, Cancer Capricorn issues, family conditioning, and mommy (Cancer) daddy (Capricorn) issues will thwart our relationship process, as well as our autonomy, and bring conflict (Aries) into relationships (Libra).

some interesting material on the crosses here:

The Four Grand Trines


And then, we will notice, that each of the four signs of the cross, which have the four different elements, will have a grand trine connected to it, the signs of the same element, fire, earth, air, and water, which will all contribute to stabilising the cross in question. And that will constitute all of the signs, in a mandalic force field that only reinforces one’s relaxation into the effortless zero point at the center .

So we can see that, in itself, the astrological mandala can become a very powerful centering tool, when engaged in this way.



However, when we look at the planetary pattern of our particular birth chart superimposed upon this mandala, we can see more precisely the imbalances of forces that are tending to bring us out of center, and the more we understand that dynamic, the more we can apply “cures” as in Feng shui, or homeopathy. We can learn to extract the essences of planets and signs that we need to bring our pattern into resolution.

Uranus Pluto square example

Here is an example: the ongoing square of Pluto and Uranus that we have been dealing with for the last 6 years or so. What kind of energies are needed to resolve this square? Well, the square is Aries to Capricorn, which are ruled by Mars and Saturn. Two very hard edged, male, violent and controlling energies, when left to themselves. And the planets, Uranus and Pluto, are also two very male energies, technology (Uranus) and power (Pluto).

We can see the effects of this in the world around us, with the increasingly technological aspect of the war and domination game, in the political (Capricorn) arena, power plays, and the destruction of the planet, with heavy metals, radiation, EMFs (Uranus). The terrorism theater also figures in, meant to amplify fear (Pluto), by using radicalised reactionaries (Uranus) striking (Aries) at unexpected (Uranus) moments.

Feminine energies needed

So the energies we need to resolve this are in the opposite signs of Aries and Capricorn, which are Libra and Cancer. Ruled by Venus and the Moon, these are both very feminine energies. Venus is love and relatedness, beauty and art, and the moon is empathy, caring, consideration, nurturing, once purified of the reactivity distortion from Saturn. We need a strong dose of feminine, soft energy to resolve this destructive, reactive insanity of the Pluto Uranus square.

People need to be much more loving and empathic (Cancer) with each other, and themselves, and to be able to put themselves in the shoes of others, to feel what it would feel like to actually be them. Then we will be able to transform the aggressive Aries energy into the capacity to be a warrior (Aries) for the truth (Uranus) and for justice (Libra). Our empathic soul (Cancer) memory (Capricorn) of our common humanity (Cancer) will give us the strength and integrity (Capricorn and Aries) to stand up for what is right, because we remain empathically connected (Cancer). And we need art (Libra) with teeth, so to speak (Aries), that is, art that awakens and enlivens, rather than art that deadens and desensitises.

Planetary medicine


We could go on with this, since the information and energy you can extract from each sign and planet are infinite, even though they each have a very specific quality. These symbols are like storehouses of empowered energies, really actually medicine, when understood and applied intelligently. You can start free associating in this way, by contemplating a sign or planet, and evoking its most positive qualities. You will find that the opposites, and the squares, will strengthen even more the vision, if you allow yourself to hold all the supposedly conflicting energies at once. At the zero point, they all work together.

Astrological practice

Remember, this is a practice. One has to study the planetary movements to really be able to work at this level. You will not escape the influence of the planets just by ignoring them. The more familiar you are with not only your own astrological configuration, but also the current configuration, which is always changing in relation to your chart, the more you will understand the energies and how they work. It’s a bit like taking responsibility for your own health, rather than always just blindly following the advice of a doctor.

I suggest starting by following, with an ephemeris, the movement of the moon every day. And watching for how it feels when the moon contacts both the planets in the here and now, and also the planets in your chart. You will get a visceral, holistic understanding of how the planetary energies feel, and you will see the types of events that arise out of whatever the planetary resonance of the moment is. It is pre-verbal, really, and later you can find words to describe it. As you develop more skill and understanding of the energies, you will be able to call upon the most positive expression of any configuration, and will find that it arises naturally.

The more you can intuit these energies, the more they become available for you to use as medicine. And when a particular configuration occurs, you can see what the energies are that are involved, what the energies are that are needed to resolve it, and how long it will be occurring. In some cases an aspect lasts for just hours, in other cases for many years.

You could think of it as a kind of surfing, since the energies come in waves, and every wave is different. You would need the same kind of presence and skill as a surfer, but on a completely different level. It’s not like there is a one-size-fits-all formula you can apply. Everyone has their own unique dynamic to deal with. It is very much about improvisation, which requires, as in music, an in-depth training. But it is a fascinating study and practice nonetheless.

There must be a better way


This process is something i am experimenting with, so as of yet, i cannot offer it as anything more than an exploration. Feel free to experiment with it yourself. What i do know is that i am tired of the way the planets tend to affect us here in the world of duality, because more often than not, the effects are not entirely beneficial. And i do feel that the distortion imposed by Saturn (ego) through the Moon (emotional reactivity) is a major cause of so many of the difficulties we face. Because when we do not see the bigger picture, we end up in a confused and bewildered state, unable to make intelligent decisions about how to proceed towards optimal living.

As we blossom into our wholeness, this round of patterning brought down by the planets through the moon has to be freed into a more creative design, with the purpose being to move beyond time, karma, and cause and effect. At that point there are no separate planets, causing any particular effects, but rather the whole pattern is simply arising spontaneously, and uncaused, without any binding effect. Really, more like a work of art or a piece of music than anything. But it is the kind of music only Nature can create. And the current astrological configuration can be assessed as a symbolic depiction of the optimal expression of any particular moment, rather than a deterministic cause of whatever effects we may be experiencing.

Find your place

The more you understand your astrological dynamic as a pattern of wholeness, the more you can understand your part in the puzzle, how your gifts, talents, and purpose fit into the awakening of the new impulse here, the peaceful revolution of true creativity that is now underway.

If you would like a session to look at your astrology in this way, please contact me. You will find a contact form in the sidebar to the left.


©2016 Kit Walker

13 thoughts on “Zero-Point Astrology: The Science of Freedom

  1. You are deep Kit, have not finished reading but you really are on to something here. Have you looked into the “carcel de la luna” concept?

    Just wondering…

    How are you both? Here the Trump possibility looks like it may release a true process.

    Love, Germán.

    Germán Herrera | 415 378 7055



  2. I wish there were more blogs lile this on the internet. I have found your blog because apart fro. other caualitys I probably not aware, I have been thinking a lot about Astrology as a jail, we cant escape its influence at least that we know. Mars in trasit conjuct Jupier will near always make me more eager to exercise probably on the outside, or and any other ofnthe definitions of the aspect. Doesnt seem that very boring to know?

    Seems or life has been scripted, the past and the present have complettly syncronicity of events with the astrological sings. Im waiting to see the first baby born in the moon or mars.

    Anyway what kind of world are we living in? Is this a creation of some god? In that case what created those who created this? Or is Astrological just a creation of life following or not some universal laws? Does life decided to divide the individiuals in categories 12……

    Well I have so many ideas and more that I can imagine now.

    I have been thinking about the equilibrium in the astros… I just cant explain it with words right now (Mercury square neptune natally 0.0)

    Just a Virgo Hit, isnt Pluto a feminin energy? I think Pluto the planet of Life and death was related to the feminin.

    Congratulations for you blog


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